Wednesday, 1 April 2015




1. Knowledge residing in the minds of employees that has not been documented is called explicit knowledge.

2. Knowledge can reside in e-mail, voice mail, graphics, and unstructured documents as well as structured documents.

3. Knowledge is universally applicable and easily moved.

4. The chief knowledge officer is the organizational role responsible for the firm’s knowledge management program.

5. COPs are formalized groups of professionals and employees within and outside the firm who have similar work-related activities and interests.

6. Structured knowledge is explicit knowledge that exists in informal documents.

7. Semistructured information is all the knowledge in a firm that resides in the heads of experienced employees.

8. Knowledge workers are primarily clerical and data workers who usually do not possess high levels of education.

9. VRML requires the use of a powerful server as well as large amounts of bandwidth.

10. Expert systems are the primary tools used for knowledge discovery.

11. Intelligent agents can discover underlying patterns, categories, and behaviors in large data sets.

12. Expert systems capture the knowledge of skilled employees in the form of a set of rules in a software system that can be used by others in the organization.

13. Given their limitations, expert systems are seldom used for making discrete, highly structured decision-making situations.

14. Expert systems work by applying a set of AND/OR rules against a knowledge base, both of which are extracted from human experts.

15. Case-based reasoning is not well-suited for diagnostic systems in medicine.

16. Fuzzy logic can describe a particular phenomenon or process linguistically and then represent that description in a small number of flexible rules.

17. Fuzzy logic systems "learn" patterns from large quantities of data by sifting through data, searching for relationships, building models, and correcting over and over again the model's own mistakes.

18. Because neural network applications cannot always explain why they arrive at a particular solution, they are not well suited for use in the medical profession.

19. Intelligent agents are used primarily for specific, repetitive and predictable tasks.

20. Shopping bots are a form of intelligent agent.


21. What type of knowledge management system did Procter & Gamble implement in order to increase the efficiency of their research and development organization?
A. content management system
B. digitalassetmanagementsystem     
C. learningmanagementsystem
D. knowledge network system

22. The percentage of gross domestic product of the United States that is produced by the knowledge and information sectors is estimated to be about ________ percent.
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80

23. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between collaboration and knowledge management? 
A. Without knowledge, collaboration is difficult. 
B. Knowledge doesn't exist without collaboration. 
C. Knowledge is useful only when shared with others. 
D. As knowledge increases, so does collaboration.

24. The flow of events or transactions captured by an organization's system describes. 
A. information.
  B. data.
 C. wisdom.
 D. knowledge.

25. Expertise and experience of organizational members that has not been formally documented best describes
A. wisdom.
B. information.
C. data.
D. tacit knowledge.

26. Changing organizational behavior by sensing and responding to new experience and knowledge is called
A. change management.
B. knowledge networking.
C. the knowledge value chain.
D. organizational learning.

27. The set of business processes, culture, and behavior required to obtain value from investments in information systems is one type of 
A. knowledge culture. 
B. knowledge discovery. 
C. organizational and management capital. 
D. organizational routine.

28. Which of the following systems digitizes, indexes, and tags documents according to a coherent framework?
A. wikis
C. document management 

29. Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate description of the importance of knowledge to a firm? 
A. Knowledge-based core competencies are key organizational assets. 
B. Knowledge should be seen as similar to any other key asset, such as a financial asset or a production facility. 
C. Knowledgeenablesfirmstobecomemoreefficientintheiruseofscarce
D. Knowledge is not subject to the law of diminishing returns as are physical assets.

30. What is meant by the statement "knowledge is sticky"? 
A. Knowledge is hard to move.
B. Knowledgeisuniversallyapplicable.
C. Knowledgeworksonlyincertainsituations.
D. Knowledge is intangible.

31. Which of the following is NOT one of the main four dimensions of knowledge described in the chapter?
A. Knowledge is a firm asset.
B. Knowledge has different forms. C. Knowledge has no locations. D. Knowledge is situational.

32. In order, which are the value-adding steps in the knowledge business value chain?
A. acquire, store, disseminate, apply, feedback
B. data and information acquisition,acquire,store,disseminate,apply
C.acquire,disseminate,apply,feedback,management and organizational activities D. data and information acquisition, store, disseminate, feedback, apply .

33. Informal social networks of professionals and employees within and outside the firm who have similar work-related activities and interests are called communities of
A. practice.
B. professionals. C. interest.
D. knowledge.

34. Which of the following are the three major types of knowledge management systems? 
A. management information systems, decision support systems, and transaction
processing systems 
B.enterprisesystems,customersupportsystems,andsupplychainmanagement systems 
D. enterprise-wide knowledge management systems, knowledge work systems, and  intelligent techniques 

35. Specialized systems built for engineers, scientists, and other knowledge workers charged with discovering and creating new knowledge for a company are called
C. wikis.
D. CAD systems.
36. Fuzzy logic is a type of A. data mining.
B. neuralnetwork.
C. intelligent technique. D. business intelligence.
37. Which of the following is NOT a typical component or capability of an enterprise-wide knowledge management system?
A. collaboration tools
C. document management D. LMS

38. Which of the following would NOT considered semistructured knowledge? 
A. request for proposals
B. voice-mail C. videos
D. e-mail

39. You are advising a multimedia company on the best type of knowledge management system to help them archive digital video and sound clips. Which of the following will suit their needs?
A. enterprise content management system 
B. digital asset management system
C. knowledgenetworksystem
D. VRML system

40. Once a knowledge taxonomy is developed, documents are all ________ with the proper classification.
A. tagged
B. linked
C. tupled
D. referenced

41. Which of the following is NOT a Web 2.0 tool firms are using to foster collaboration? A. blogs
B. intranets
C. wikis
D. social bookmarking

42. Which of the following statements about the use of wikis by firms is NOT true? 
A. They are inexpensive and easy to implement. 
B. Usersareabletomodifywikicontentcontributedbyothers. 
C. They are most appropriate for information that must be revised but does not need to be available 24/7. 
D. They can be used as a central repository for all types of corporate data such as spreadsheets and e-mail.

43. Which of the following is a collaboration tool used to support knowledge management systems?
A. blogs
B. wikis
C. socialbookmarking D. all of the above

44. Tools for the management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of various types of employee learning best describes a(n)
A. investment workstation.
B. organizationallearningsystem. C. employeeenrichmentsystem. 
D. learning management system.

45. Most knowledge workers require specialized knowledge work systems, but they also rely on
A. office systems.
B. schoolsanduniversities. C. imagingsystems.
D. data transferring systems.

46. A ________ is very important to a knowledge worker's system. 
A. careful filing system 
B. financial analysis system C. CAD capability
D. user-friendly interface 

47. ________ often are designed and optimized for the specific tasks to be performed. 
A. Graphics programs 
B. Knowledge workstations 
C. Virtualsimulators 
D. CAD stations 

48. CAD workstations 
A. provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over industrial design and manufacturing. 
B. provideanimportantsourceofexpertisefororganizations. 
C. allowgroupstoworktogetherondocuments. 
D. are high-end PCs used in the financial sector to analyze trading situations
instantaneously and facilitate portfolio management.

49. Which of the following would NOT be classified as a knowledge work system? 
A. computer-aided design system 
B. 3D visualization system 
C. investmentworkstations 
D. expert system

50. Virtual reality systems 
A. provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over
industrial design and manufacturing. 
B. provideanimportantsourceofexpertisefororganizations. 
C. allowgroupstoworktogetherondocuments. 
D. provide architects, engineers, and medical workers with precise, photorealistic simulations of objects.

51. Investment workstations 
A. provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over
industrial design and manufacturing. 
B. provide an important source of expertise for organizations. 
C. allow groups to work together on documents. 
D. are used in the financial sector to analyze trading situations instantaneously and facilitate portfolio management.

52. Which of the following systems is NOT used to capture tacit knowledge? 
A. expert system
B. case-basedreasoning 
C. fuzzylogic
D. neural network

53. Which of the following is a type of intelligent technique? 
A. knowledge networks
B. case based reasoning 
C. computer-aided design 

54. Which of the following techniques is used for knowledge discovery? 
A. expert system
  B. transaction processing systems 
C. case-based reasoning
  D. data mining

55. Technology that consists of computer-based systems that attempt to emulate human behavior is called 
A. fuzzy logic. 
B. neural networks. 
C. AItechnology
D. genetic algorithms. 
56. An inference engine is 
A. a strategy for searching the rule base in case-based reasoning.
B. theprogrammingenvironmentofanexpertsystem.
C. a method of organizing expert system knowledge into chunks.
D. a strategy used to search through the rule base in an expert system by forward
chaining or backward chaining.

57. Forward chaining is 
A. a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with
information entered by the user.
B. theprogrammingenvironmentofanexpertsystem. 
C. a method of organizing expert system knowledge into chunks. 
D. a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with a

58. Backward chaining is 
A. a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with
information entered by the user. 
B. theprogrammingenvironmentofanexpertsystem. 
C. a method of organizing expert system knowledge into chunks. 
D. a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with a

59. Expert systems
A. solve problems too difficult for human experts. B. arebasedonDOWHILErules.
C. work in very limited domains.
D. share characteristics with mainframe computing.
60. It is unlikely you could represent the knowledge in the Encyclopedia Britannica with an expert system because: 
A. there is no one expert who understands all the material contained within the encyclopedia. 
B. theknowledgechangesradicallyoverashorttime. 
C. not all the knowledge in the encyclopedia can be represented in the form of IF-
THEN rules. 
D. the knowledge is too general.

61. Virtually all expert systems deal with problems of 
A. policy development.
B. classification.
C. logic and control. D. high complexity.

62. Expert systems are expensive and time-consuming to maintain because 
A. their rule base is so complex. 
B. theyrelyonequipmentthatbecomesoutdated. 
C. the irrules must be reprogrammed every time there is a change in the environment, which in turn may change the applicable rules. 

D. only the person who created the system knows exactly how it works, and may not
be available when changes are needed.

63. In this technique, descriptions of past experiences of human specialists are stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a situation with similar characteristics.
B. fuzzylogic C. datamining D. LMS

64. You are an automotive engineer working on an application that will automatically parallel park a car. The intelligent technique you may find most useful is:
A. case-based reasoning. B. artificialintelligence. C. fuzzy logic.
D. expert system.

65. Hardware and software that attempts to emulate the processing patterns of the biological brain best describes
A. a neural network.
B. anexpertsystem.
C. case-basedreasoning. D. fuzzy logic.

66. Genetic algorithms 
A. develop solutions to particular problems using fitness, crossover, and mutation. 
B. represent knowledge as groups of characteristics. 
C. donotworkformostproblems. 
D. are based on logic.

67. Which of the following describes a difference between neural networks and genetic algorithms? 
A. Genetic algorithms are designed to process large amounts of information. 
B. Geneticalgorithmsareatypeofknowledgediscovery,whileneuralnetworksare
an intelligent technique. 
C. Neural networks are programmed to"learn." 
D. All of the above

68. Software programs that work in the background without direct human intervention to carry out specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for individual users, business processes, or software applications, are called
A. intelligent agents.
B. intelligenttechniques. C. businessintelligence. D. AI hybrid systems.

69. What type of intelligent technique helped Procter & Gamble determine the most efficient
methods for their trucks to deliver goods?
A. fuzzy logic
B. intelligent agents C. geneticalgorithms D. none of the above

70. To automate routine tasks to help firms search for and filter information for use in electronic commerce and supply chain management a firm would most likely use
A. CAD systems.
B. virtualrealitysystems. C. fuzzylogicsystems. D. intelligent agents.

71. ________ is thought to be the collective and individual experience of applying knowledge to the solution of problems.  ANS: Wisdom

72. ________ is explicit knowledge that exists in formal documents, as well as in formal rules that organizations derive by observing experts and their decision-making behaviors.
ANS: Structured knowledge

73. ________ are also known as expertise location and management systems.
ANS: Knowledge network systems

74. A(n) ________ is a scheme for classifying information and knowledge in such a way that
it can be easily accessed.
ANS: taxonomy 

75. The user-created taxonomies created for shared bookmarks are called ________.
ANS:  folksonomies

76. A(n) ________ provides tools for the management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of
various types of employee learning and training.
ANS: learning management system, LMS 

77. ________ automates the creation and revision of designs, using computers and
sophisticated graphics software.
ANS: Computer aided design, CAD

78. The model of human knowledge used by expert systems is called the ________.
ANS: knowledge base

79. The strategy used to search through the rule base is called the ________.
ANS: inference engine

80. Systems that integrate genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and expert
systems are called ________ systems.
ANS: 80. hybrid AI 

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